Sunday 31 August 2014

Tractors tractors tractors!

Well spring has sprung and we are on our way again after a lovely break in Brisbane where we very spoilt by Rob & Pru, Rick & Flo. Those Greenwoods certainly know how to make guests feel welcome and we were wined and dined in style! I think we'll be eating cruskits and lettuce this week to make up for the feasting we've enjoyed! (tho Flo has popped a few goodies in the freezer!) We never felt we were in a city as both places as in beautiful rural settings on some acreage. This is the view from Rob and Pru's kitchen! 


and this is Rick & Flo's house:


Rob and Pru made sure our 45th wedding anniversary was celebrated and party hats and all were whipped out:


and the lollies would have made some kids we know very happy: (note not many left on the plate!)

The stay wasn't without some drama however, as Dennis trod on a rusty nail and ended up having to go to the Dr again (2nd time in a week!) for a tetanus injection! Poor Dennis!

The drive today from Ricks place in Ipswich to this little place called Clifton was very picturesque with pretty farming valleys and dramatic mountain backdrops as we made our way through Cunninghams Gap. We remember going through this gap years ago on the way from Goondawindi to Gold Coast. 

We are here now at the Clifton show grounds as Dennis got whiff of a tractor collection nearby. So we quickly set up and off they went leaving Tops & I to tidy and sort out things then we strolled to the Main Street and wouldn't you know it? The only dress shop was closed!  The town isn't very big and didn't take long to see it all! The boys had a lovely afternoon looking at this chaps collection - it's not open to the public but he was happy to show such nice chaps through.


I don't think we'd want to go camping in this old timer!


Tomorrow we will go through Warwick and then who knows? But we do fear we are going to strike colder weather - already the evenings nights and mornings are cold! 

Trust everyone is well and until next blog send our love xxxxx

PS ran into Elton John on the weekend!


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