Tuesday 24 March 2015

Exploring Tamar Valley

If it's said that you can experience all seasons in a day in Melbourne, well it's certainly true for here! ☀️⛅️☔️🌀. After a beautiful mild evening around our camp fire, the wind sprung up and changed direction and boy, did it blow! Our canvas flapped all night and anything not tied down blew away! Then the morning was very cold but the day itself eventually was beautiful and sunny! So we need to wear layers. 
Last night was cold but very still so we enjoyed a great nights sleep and this morning is glorious  but unfortunately rain is forecast later on.  


We also think we experienced Aurora Australis as we saw this beautiful glow and bright lights in the southern sky - you would have thought that city lights were on the horizon but we are a long way from any city. Then they faded away - we have read where Tasmania is a great place to experience this phenomenon so how lucky we were! 

We had a great day yesterday starting with a lovely coastal walk. We packed our picnic basket and drove to a scenic lookout to witness some glorious beaches and lovely coastline. We then headed to Beaconsfield where we visited the mine museum. That was where there was a mining accident in 2006  and 2 miners were rescued after 2 weeks underground. The whole museum was excellent and we could have spent all day there actually. The actual mining operation ceased in 2012 but there is still plenty of gold there - too expensive to get out. We had lunch in the park then headed to Launceston where we found the Cataract Gorge. That's all Darryl remembers of a footy trip there many years ago. By then the sun was shining and it was glorious on the chairlift, having a coffee and walking back over a swing bridge constructed in 1902. We drove past Penny Lane - a quaint English looking village area then headed back to camp on the eastern side of the Tamar River which was very pretty then over the Batman Bridge - a huge suspension bridge. It was a great day touring and we've found everything so clean neat tidy and well maintained - a credit toTasmania.




Now we are heading to our next spot and I'll have to publish this before we get there as I doubt there will be phone service. We have decided on a free camp area on Lake Sorell - part of the Great Lakes and just about in the middle of the state - even tho we were told that there's no place in Tasmania further than 180kms from the coast. We feel like we've been here for ages and getting off the boat seems much more than 2 days ago! 

Hope everyone is well. Love from the travellers xx😀😀

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marg and Darryl and Dennis and Tops, We have been where you are - every photo is familiar to us from when we hired the Travellin' Australia Winnebago that was simply awful but we loved that area of Tassie. The area to the west of the Tamar was our favourite and we loved Launceston. I was there as a teenager with Judy when she lived in Tassie and I have lovely memories from that trip as we do from when we explored it for the first time together in 2008. Looking forward to your blogs. Steve pulled out of the purchase - not surprising but he wasted 8 months of our lives in negotiations and we are not thrilled about that. We have had another lifeline thrown to us yesterday - prior to this we could only see a walkout as out option - our business agent has suggested that he markets the business for the next 6 weeks ( we go away in 4 and to market it without a lease is not fool proof but worth a go) and tests the market. If so we have a few months ahead of us but very ready to shed the load we have been carrying for way too long. We absolutely do not want to sign a lease with this group they are the most incompetent and ruthless non professionals anyone would have the displeasure to be involved with.

    Mum is pretty fragile and it is a worry that we are going away but we absolutely need to do it regardless. Jenny fine with that so that helps and Mum's facility is brilliant and has told me not to worry that she is in good hands. It is so heartbreaking to see her like she is - if she knew she would be devastated - some of her behaviours although gentle are quite bizarre. Anyway it is how it is and c'est la vie!
    Enjoy your trip and we look forward to your next blog.
    Bye for now gorgeous friends lots of love Marg and Brian xxxx
