Sunday 12 April 2015

Bay of Fires

Well, we think we have found the most picturesque spot in Tasmania!  Here at the Bay of Fires, the beaches are pristine white and the sea an amazing turquoise blue - with spectacular rocks. We all would just love to have grandchildren here to enjoy this place. It would be heaven for them! And even better the sun has been shining and it hasn't been freezing! Our last day at Douglas River turned out to be so cold with a nasty wind and at camp we spent a lot of time trying to get out of the wind. (That sounds familiar doesn't it all Beachport campers? πŸŒ€❄️☁️)

We enjoyed the township of Bicheno and found the blowhole - quite by accident really and had the day been sunny and nice, a picnic lunch there would have been perfect!  Instead, we had to go to this lovely restaurant and enjoy a beautiful seafood lunch!! Such a shame!  


Dennis was insistent that we enjoy the beach with a glass of champagne (trouble is he only had red wine!) but it was pleasant watching the sunset which was pretty spectacular. 


        Darryl's getting good at selfies!!

This morning we were packed up early and on the road for the long 70  kms to St Helens!! It was a lovely drive along the coast. We were looking for a nice spot for morning tea and Darryl, as leader, led everyone into this camp spot and began searching for a table. He however led Chris up the garden path - well a sandy garden path - and Chris promptly got bogged!! But some brilliant man - brains and manouvering got him out and we were right. Dennis was the smart one who packed a snatch strap. Good Boy Scout training! We never had our morning tea there anyway but 6kms down the track found a picnic area right on the roadside with a nice sea view,  toilets, tables, rubbish bins and even drinking water to fill the campers! 

St Helens seems to be a lovely place and Tops and I even spotted a couple of dress shops - we've been 3 weeks and have only been inside supermarkets 😟. There may be some retail therapy coming up! 



Whilst based here we can enjoy the beautiful beach plus there are many drives around so we are sure we can fill in several days quite easily. 

Today our baby boy James turns 2 and tomorrow Lachlan turns 10! Happy birthday to you both and we send hugs and kisses to you and wish we were able to celebrate with you. 

Till our next blog, love from the Tassie Travellers xxxx😘😘😘

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