Wednesday 15 April 2015

Exploring the North East

We've enjoyed pottering around this area as well as appreciating the lovely beach here. Yesterday was a little overcast and cool and we travelled through the Fingal Valley which was reported to be a beautiful valley dotted with gracious old churches and houses. However, we were a little underwhelmed as we didn't see many old nice buildings and the valley was in need of a good rain. We detoured to a mining town Cornwall - we had visions of the town being like Cornwall UK or little Cornwall around Moonta - but how wrong were we!! Asthetically it was very ordinary and the buildings left a lot to be desired! There is a operating coal mine there and the coal is transported to Fingal where it's railed out to ports. It's a spot we really wouldn't want to call home! 

Fingal is a little town that has the potential to become a real historic town like Richmond. We came across a little shop called 'Aladdins Cave' and you'd have to see it to believe it! In a shop smaller than the Murrabit Store was everything you could think of - home grown veges, groceries, ice creams and all sorts of furniture and brick- a- back -mostly junk and all so crowded I came out with dust all over my coat! The owner was however, very proud of his shop! We did buy a wooden chopping board (new) some of his tomatoes and some lollies (pre packed) We had lunch in the park along with many chuckles about Aladdins Cave.

We headed back through St Mary's and boy was this town different. I can't really describe the shops and their wares - all I can say they were very very different!! So were the people! We had a good look at the town then on the way back stopped at The Elephant Pass Pancake shop and enjoyed an afternoon tea there. So if we were to sum up the day we'd say it was unique!!


Today was opposite. Firstly the sun was shining and it was quite mild. We headed out on the road to Scottsdale and were surprised to see "The shop in the Bush' along the way so stopped and wow!! This was the complete opposite to Aladdins Cave! 


We've never seen a 2nd hand shop so clean and well laid out. It was spotless and we could have spent hours there. These people sure know how to organise wares to their full potential with everything displayed beautifully. We all came out with a bag of goodies!! From there we found the 'Pub in the Paddock' . How a pub can survive way out in the bush us amazing, but it was very well patronised and seems to be a very busy pub. We were fortunate to see a whole lot of Alvis old fashioned cars at the pub - a delight for Dennis and Chris. 

       Here we are enjoying The Pub in The Paddock! 

We walked off our lunch by walking to see the St Columba falls and they were spectacular falling 96 metres - the highest in Tasmania. They've never been known to dry up and it was well worth the walk to see them.


This valley was so different to the Fingal valley - lush, green, and so picturesque with a mountain backdrop. Darryl said its the only place he's seen where he could imagine living! It was a beautiful drive.

Tonight we enjoyed a champagne on the rocks - we just love watching the relentless waves!! We'll miss the sound of the waves lulling us to sleep each night. 


 Tomorrow unfortunately we have to leave here and travel on - we think to Longford then Mole Creek. 

We were happy to hear the birthday boys had special days - next is Hannah 🎉🎊. Sorry to hear our Macy is not 100% and hope she bounces back for the big footy weekend.

Till later, love from us all. 


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