Saturday 9 April 2016

We're here at Oodnadatta.

Well the rain was very slight so we had no worries about being stuck at William Creek. It didn't even settle the dust. We were early on the road after we fuelled up at $2/ litre and posted some cards - wonder when they will be delivered?   We've had another glitz - our car back door won't open so we're not game to fiddle with it in case we can't then shut it - that would be a bigger disaster. Darryl rearranged things so we can access through the side doors. Just out of  town we saw a well conditioned dingo - the wild life has been scarce really except for birds.

This is an amazing section of the old Ghan track with this trestle bridge. Sorry Darryl was caught blinking! 

We found this section of the road more track - like, with more evidence of water damage but it wasn't actually as rough. About 70km from Oodnadatta we met the grader so from there on it was very good.  The countryside is so green it is amazing - no red centre here!  All waterways have such lush trees and grass you'd think you were at Kakadu not central Australia.  Our morning tea break  at Edward creek - (named after you Eddy I'd say) was a bird bonanza, with flocks of wild budgies and cockatiels so Darryl was busy trying to snap them but they were pretty elusive. There was also a pretty good crop of bindii's growing there too! It's still rather dusty! 


  The Oodnadatta Track

Dennis allowed Tops to drive a bit and she struck our first water crossing - she'll be keen now to get behind the wheel on the Gibb Riiver track where there are substantial creek crossings! 


We found another spot off the road near some more Ghan sidings for our lunch then headed into town. The Pink Roadhouse is iconic and later we'll be off to have a drink in the local pub. The town is another typical outback centre and the camping spot here is quite different and anywhere else you'd be horrified at the amenities! But up here you take what you can get! 


    The Oodnadatta caravan park! 

Who would have thought though that here in the outback would be mosquito central!! They are just terrible and driving us mad! At the camp kitchen they were diabolical but luckily we kept them out of the vans! The publican told us there was a public wifi and I thought I'd be able to publish these blogs but no go - it just wouldn't upload so there will be a rush of blogs when we finally get service. Sorry! From here were heading still along the old Ghan to Mt Dare - we've had mixed reports on the road conditions so might be a slow trip!! 

Hope everyone In civilization is well and we send our love to all. Xxxxx 

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