After a pleasant night at Blackall, we packed up early Anzac morning and attended the local service which was very well done. We took the tourist drive through this quaint place called Isisford where we had our picnic lunch - we liked the Clancy Of The Overflow pub! Along the way Dennis whipped out his neat chainsaw and we refilled our wood boxes - just before a shower of rain came!
We arrived at Illfracombe where we set up in the caravan park and raced over to the laundry - did heaps of loads, got it all out on the line .......and you guessed it, it started to rain!! So now we’ve been back and forth to the dryer and finally it’s all done!! We’ve been through this place a couple of times and Dennis has longingly looked at the feature of the Mile Machinery Run so this time, he was able to have a good look at all the old machinery on display.
We popped into the gorgeous old pub next door to have a coffee and a look around - what an iconic pub it is!
We stopped in Longreach as there were a few things we wanted - I wanted nothing actually, but I am rather hopeless at shoe shops and I came out with a pair of boots and a pair of walkers! Tops got new walkers as well so we helped the local economy! Actually, Longreach was bustling as they were gearing up for the annual horse races today - all locals are much happier to have feed in their paddocks again after long years of drought! Winton also was extremely busy with a music festival - people were everywhere, so we found a camp spot out of Winton and enjoyed a night with the flies 😳.
We detoured a little to Julia Creek and along the road, a chap working on the road told us the farm we were passing, had buried 1000 head of cattle and still had more to do! So very sad to think of the heartbreak & hardships that rain event bought to the farmers & communities. We have noticed some restocking on properties - mainly young stuff like this fellow: he said hello to us along the way.
We could see the debris on the fence so it was pretty deep water. We decided to help the Julia Creek community a bit by purchasing fuel and lunch there - and what a delicious burger they cooked! This is a creative statue at the cenotaph at Julia Creek.
We’ve been travelling for a week now with only overnight stops, so we are giving ourselves a rest day and staying here two nights in this nice little park at Cloncurry. It’s quite warm - about 30 degrees and a bit humid, but no rain. We are probably a couple of days from our turn around spot at Lorella Springs where we will rest and enjoy the place.
We hope this finds everyone fit and healthy - we are all good and enjoying every bit of the trip. So till our next blog, we send our love and best wishes. ❌❌❌❌
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