Monday, 29 April 2019

A slight hiccup.

We enjoyed our rest day at Cloncurry and caught up with some jobs, had a look around the town and even had time to cook a roast dinner. Cloncurry is a mining town, a bit rough around the edges but has good facilities in two supermarkets and plenty of pubs. We drove out to Chinamen Creek Dam which was pretty, saw a long train loaded with ballast we assume is for repairing the tracks affected by flood waters, saw the lovely equestrian centre, the Mary Kathleen centre, the stockyards where some cattle were being loaded and some waiting! We have seen so many cattle trucks on the roads so there’s a lot cattle being moved around.
The drive from Cloncurry to Mt Isa is beautiful with the picturesque and rugged Selwyn range reminding us of the Kimberly’s.

How Burke and Wills managed to cross these is mind boggling! 
We hit Mt Isa and went to vote at the pre-polling centre which had just opened that morning. So the process was pretty slow but we’ve done our duty! It was good to get that done as who knows where we’ll be by polling day. We went to the funniest  Bunnings store to get a couple of essentials then headed to this spot at Camooweal. It’s a beautiful spot with plenty of bird life and the water lilies are so pretty. We’ve sighted the brolgas known to frequent the place but are waiting for them to present for the perfect photo opportunity. 

This is where the slight hiccup occurred - Dennis broke a tooth!! It was sensitive to hot and cold so it obviously needed attention. Luckily, he managed to get an appointment in Mt Isa today at 11am - just a 400km round trip! He and Tops unhooked the van and left early this morning and we are here minding the fort! This was the best outcome as where we’re heading to next, there’ll be no dentists at all and a tooth ache could spoil a trip very quickly. We are quite happy to have a rest day at this pretty spot. A broken tooth didn’t deter Dennis from cooking an apple pie last night - the Master Chef was at it again! He scored very highly too!

We are probably two days away from Lorella Springs - we’ve made very good time to get so far. We’re about 3800km from home - and we’re enjoying 30 degree days too!  We hope the rains we sent your way are going to eventuate tomorrow. 
Trust everyone is well, 
Love from Darryl Marg, Dennis & Tops. ❌❌❌❌

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