Saturday 8 May 2021


After replenishing our supplies at Tibooburra, we headed north along the Warri Gate road to Noccundra. The road from Tibooburra to Warri Gate is being prepared for sealing, and the detour was a bit rough - but it will be good when done. At the Warri Gate, we just opened the gate and entered Queensland. 

We drove through varied scenery - and were happy to see our favourite cattle along the way. We believe we are privileged to witness the green Strezleiki desert - although some parts were the usual stony barren desert. We stayed overnight at Noccundra down by the Wilson River. Noccundra is really only a pub but they offer  river camping with access to showers and toilets - all for a donation. A very welcome spot after a long drive from Tibooburra.
The drive from Noccundra along the Adventure Way to here at Innamincka was easy seeing it was all bitumen - and no traffic! We came across the Cooper Creek floodplain where the little waterways were still wet, and the Cooper running very well. There’s lots of yabbies out here - only trouble is, they aren’t ours!

It’s amazing how many gas operations you see out here - it’s probably why the road was sealed!

We are set up right on the banks of the Cooper Creek town common - along with millions of very annoying flies! Fly nets are certainly useful here. We’re at the common as in the National Park sites, we can’t have camp fires - lots must think like us as it’s a pretty popular spot - all for $5 a night! The water is really flowing over the weir and the pelicans must be getting a feed.

We’ve learned that there’s no fuel along the Strezleki Track to Lyndhurst -  so the kind folk in the general store will sell us a jerry can + fuel to be on the safe side. Once down this track we will reassess our options and plan a day or two ahead. Today, as it’s Mother’s Day, our lovely husbands are taking us out for lunch at the pub - just as well as I doubt I could compete with the flies here. We wish all mums a lovely day ❤️❤️. 
We’re looking forward to hearing about Ruby & Lindsay’s 21st celebrations - maybe there are some tired people today. Till our next blog, we send our love & best wishes ❌❌❌❌


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