Thursday 6 May 2021

Outback NSW

Well, I’m having my fix of rough roads, red dirt, iconic pubs and even our first wildflowers - plus an odd fly or two as well! 

At Goodwood station, we camped by this billabong which was very pretty - only marred a bit by strong winds and red dust! We really enjoyed our rustic showers each night and took advantage of the free washing machine. 
We were happily able to collect more wood there to use on our campfire - and to cook our delicious meal! 

We travelled over a very corrugated road to visit the Peery Lake - which honestly was a little underwhelming - maybe I was expecting too much but the information board was lacking detail, the bird life wasn’t prolific - only a few cockies, and the water was a fair way out. We did make the most of our time there with a short walk and a picnic lunch and now we can cross that off our to do list! 

We fuelled up at White Cliffs where Darryl had some running repairs to do as we lost an Anderson plug. Luckily we’re always prepared and carry spares. The trip from there to the Silver City highway was great - no traffic and varying scenery and very healthy trees and vegetation. Along the highway to Tibooburra the recent rains were evidenced by debris along creek beds and the grass was so green and lush it’s a green centre!
We enjoyed our night at Milparinka - over the years we have witnessed the improvements by the locals to this outback remnants of a mining town. There is a small campground with new facilities, a mining & heritage centre and best of all, a beaut old pub where we dined out in style! It was surprising to see how busy this place was and our meals were delicious. The sunset in the ruins was very spectacular.

We’re going to stock up in Tibooburra and check road conditions before we head across the border. This weekend we’ll be thinking of Ruby celebrating her 21st and can imagine it will be a happy occasion! Also to all the mums - we hope your day is special on Sunday  - Tops and I will no doubt be spoilt by our husbands 😏. 
We trust all is well with everyone and send our love ❌❌❌ from the happy campers. 

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