Monday 30 May 2016

Bungle Bungles - Wow!!

We reluctantly left the Gibb River Road - we posed for this photo just before Home Valley - which marked the completion of the road.                      

We caught up with messages etc then headed into the Purnululu National Park - which we all know as the Bungle Bungles. We were warned the road was rough - well they were right but it wasn't much worse than some other roads we've traversed. We took it slowly over the rocks (it took 2.5hrs to travel 53kms!) but we arrived safe and sound and the trip was well worth it! We set up in a beautiful spot with shady trees and birds aplenty. There are lots of quail scratching about in the grass with bower birds waiting for scraps and a blue winged kookaburra posing beautifully for Darryl to photograph him. We even saw a bustard on the road. We actually think it's funny that we often choose the generator section over the quiet section in case it comes in cloudy - and invariably we are alone and the quiet areas are busy!! This whole park is A1 - excellent facilities, great signage and information boards and everything very well maintained. 


We were under the impression that the Bungle Bungles were just a few dome shaped bee hive rocks but there's much more than that! It's an amazing place and the rock formations are just spectacular. We actually spent some the inheritance - sorry kids but Dennis says the market is up - and took a 30 min helicopter ride over the park. I was a little nervous and hung on for dear life - but it was awesome!


    Tops loved the ride and wasn't as scared as me! 

The flight really gave an overall perspective of how huge this park is and of the different rock formations. It was incredible to see gorges dotted with palms and streams that all eventually lead to the Ord River. Then to see the same things from the ground, gave another perspective. 


The major draw cards are the lovely walks and Echidna and Cathedral Chasms.  Echidna Chasm has a narrow entrance up a rocky creek bed and around midday the sun creates a lovely glow on the rocks which is beautiful. 

 As we walked into the chasm it looked spectacular. 
The lovely palms on walkway to chasm - and a very hot sweaty walker!!

The Cathedral is a huge awesome cavern which was worth the walk to get there. It really makes you feel insignificant to be in places of such natural beauty. We also completed a walk around the domes to see up close the different rock types that create the stripy effect. 


Sometimes we were led up the garden path too - despite following a map!!


The amazing Cathedral:
So we have really enjoyed our last days of our Kimberley's adventure and thank heavens talk of a rough road didn't put us off coming here. 

From here we will stay at Kununurra to wash our rather grotty sheets and towels - (we've kept up with everyday washing with our hand machines),  to stock up on supplies - especially beer as there are rations here tonight! and to put some 240 volts into the campers. We've not hooked into power since Broome  some 17 days ago - so the solar is working very well now ☀️☀️. 

We were hoping we'd be able to catch up with the Hopes when they came up Alice Springs way but it doesn't look like it will work out so we've decided to change our plans again and head across to Brisbane. We are keen for Lifestyle to service the vans and attend to a couple of minor issues and it seems a better proposition than getting home then heading back up to Brisbane. That means Ayres Rock and Kings Canyon will be another trip! It also means we'll be able to catch up with Rob and Pru, Rick and Flo. 

So we hope everyone is well and not too cold - can be believe we are quite hot here! (36 degrees!) Till our next blog we sign off from the beautiful Kimberly region of WA. xxxxxxxx


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