Sunday 2 April 2017

Heading West

We are off again - this time we're heading West eventually across the Nullarbor after touring Yorke and Eyre peninsulas in SA.
We travelled across the very familiar (to us anyway) Mallee Highway but have never stopped to visit the Kow Plains Homestead at Cowangie. It was worth the stop as Darryl was able to catch up on some sleep!!             

The homestead has been very well restored and a credit to the local community. We love these pine log buildings and are amazed that the early settlers were able to determine that these were the best building materials,



At Lameroo we left the Mallee Highway and travelled through Bow Hill to Swan Reach where we are set up by the Murray.


We were all looking forward to a relaxing drink after all of our preparations and restless nights in the lead up to our departure. 


Tomorrow we are heading to Greg and Anne's shack at James Well where we hope to catch a couple of blue swimmer crabs 🦀🦀.  We hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunshine as we are. 

 Till the next blog, love from Marg, Darryl, Dennis & Tops ❌❌❌❌

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