Wednesday 28 May 2014

A first look around Venice

  We are back 'home' after a busy day exploring Venice. We visited the Peggy Guggenhein art collection so are quite cultured now. We saw lots of the main tourist attractions and most impressive was the Basilica San Marco - one of the many beautiful churches - which was amazing with the gold murals and the statues. 


Every corner you turn you find another little narrow street with all kinds of shops and canals and gondolas waiting to whisk you away. They look so very romantic but we haven't opened the purse for that bit of extravagance yet! 


We enjoyed a very expensive drink at Harry's Bar then seemed to walk many steps through narrow lanes and over old stone bridges till we found this special pizza restaurant for Gerard - and he was delighted with his pizza - as was Darryl who could only manage to eat half of his! 



 The weather was lovely and mild today but after dinner it was raining so we had a dash in the wet to catch the vaporetto (water taxi) and we were very impressed with Greg's speed! 

We are pretty pleased that we are experiencing no ill effects from the long flights and have immediately switched our body clocks to Italian time! After lots of walking today our feet are a little tired but hope they will recover after a good nights sleep. 

Love to everyone



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