Monday 26 May 2014

Step 2 Doha

Well we are pretty proud of ourselves as we are now waiting at the correct terminal for the next leg to Venice!! They have built a new airport here and we were one of the last flights to fly into the old airport and we depart from the new one. It's pretty chaotic here with flights to all parts of the world and all kinds of nationalities present!  

I even bought a coffee (nice one too) and successfully used my credit card Tim!

The flight was long but I slept more than I usually do - and kids -  I saw Frozen!! Now I know why you all love it so much! I also watched 12 years as a slave (very very moving when you know it's a true story) and the Book Thief - even tho I have just started reading the book I would have preferred to see the movie afterwards but thought I may not get the opportunity!  So no wonder I passed the time easily. The girl sitting next to us was nice and very quiet & unobtrusive!

 And you'll never guess who was on the same flight - Elizabeth Cockcroft & Sue Hornsley ( she was acting principal at Murrabit after me)  Once again - small world! They are off on a cruise. 

Doha looks intereresting - and it will be an experience to explore it a bit on the way home - we have a 3 night stopover here. 

Next stop Venice 


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