Thursday 29 May 2014

A tour of the islands

Another lovely day today - we took the vaporetto again and this time first stop was Murano noted for the glass works. We watched a chap make a glass horse which was amazing as he was so quick and the result excellent. Then a stroll up the streets was overload of glass ware - how you could select the shop firstly then what to buy?? 

We caught the next vaporetto to the island of Burano and wow this was such a beautiful place and my favourite so far. The buildings are colourful in bright oranges, pink, green, red ... And the effect is lovely.


This island is famous for its lacework and along the little streets were some beautiful lace scarves, clothes and novelties. All very tempting!! We enjoyed a lovely lunch there then caught the vaporetto back to Lido. We had a round trip today are getting to have an idea of the geography of Venice. We saw where they are working on the 'Moses' scheme designed to keep high tides from Venice.   

And while Greg was being our tour guide, Anne stayed home to do some work and prepare a 3 course Venetian dinner for us - sardines sour, clams & tomato, meat carpaccio, lemon chill, Italian salad and bread rolls - served with spritz and red wine! All very delicious thank you Anne! 


Gerard & Susanne leave tomorrow and we have enjoyed so much catching up with them. And we catch the fast train to the Amalfi Coast & start the next bit of our Italian adventure. We have all remarked how lovely the local Italians are - even though they must have tourist overload, they are always polite & friendly and don't push things on you! 

We are surprised to hear that Sydney thrashed Geelong - what a strange game we follow!! 

For all our grand kids, here's a photo of Nanna & Grandad happy in Venice! Xxxxx


 Till the next blog, we send our love xxxx

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