Thursday 9 June 2022


We left one little beautiful place in the hinterland, and have ended up at two lovely beaches. We loved the serenity at Cape Palmerston where we were able to set up as we like, with the bonus of our camp fire each night. With lovely green glass and a backdrop of trees, it was the perfect spot, especially when the beach was accessed through this little walkway only 200 metres away.
Unfortunately, we haven’t struck good beach weather yet, so Dennis is still waiting to have his dip in the ocean.

The beach was mostly just ours, and we enjoyed walking along - looking at birds and the amazing patterns left by little crabs. 

Cape Palmerston would have to be one of the cleanest tidiest parks we’ve ever come across so we really enjoyed our 3 nights there. We purchased prawns which were from a nearly prawn farm, and they were delicious. 
On our trip to Cape Hillsborough, where we are now set up, we stopped to check out the  Hay Point viewing platform where we could see over 30 ships waiting to be loaded with coal. It’s amazing how busy this port is and how much coal is exported - in one year over 130000000 tons! That’s a lot of coal! It’s one of the largest coal exporting ports on the world. 

Cape Hillsborough is in a National Park, so no fires here but we look forward to lots of walks and drives to check out this beautiful part of our country. One morning we’ll have to drag ourselves out of bed at 6am to witness the feeding of the wallabies on the beach. The beach is beautiful and the backdrop like out of a story book. 
Our reception has been ordinary so I’m not confident this will post. However, if it does, we send our best wishes and hope everyone has a great long weekend. ❌❌❌


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