Sunday 26 June 2022

South west Queensland.

Our time at Quilpie was very pleasant by the lake and we enjoyed a tour of the town and spoilt ourselves with very nice pies from the bakery. We even found Old Man Emu at the information centre.

We travelled south past the Toompine pub which is in the process of being renovated. We hope they don’t spoil the uniqueness of this pub without a town! 
We camped at Alroy station which is a working cattle, sheep & goat property, nestled on the Yowah creek. We can’t speak highly enough about this station stay - friendly owners, lovely setting, rustic but very clean amenities and firewood delivered daily for the campfire. There were yabbies in the creek so a delicious yabby meal was enjoyed.
We’ve carted around our swimming gear this whole trip and have only used them twice - once at Goodooga and today here - both in artesian waters. This area is well known for its hot artesian waters which sometimes bubble up from under the ground or they are tapped by a bore. On this property, the beaut old steam engine was used to sink the first bore.Today we are travelling through to Cunnamulla then we’ll sadly leave Queensland behind. The little place of Eulo is well known for its mud baths - we didn’t indulge but did see the springs which act as a release valve for the artesian basin. 
We’ve loved this part of the outback - it’s not particularly pretty country but has its own charm and the people are friendly and must be very resilient as they endure some tough times. We’re starting to see much more traffic - it’s school holiday time plus many we suspect, are on the way to the Birdsville big bash. We trust everyone is well and those on holidays have a happy & relaxed time. ❌❌❌❌

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