Wednesday 1 June 2022

Red Claw country.

Our stay at Moura ended up with a funny incident - unbeknown to us, Darryl and I set up on a pop up sprinkler - and you guessed it! At 1am we were startled to hear water on the van and when we checked, our annex and van were getting a nice watering!! So our things, which were finally dry after the rains, were nice and damp again. However, they didn’t take long to dry out in the sunshine we’ve been experiencing. The only trouble with the warmer weather is that every mosquito, sandfly, bug ….. everything it seems, loves to bite Tops’s and my legs feet and ankles so we’re lathering in anti itch cream and try hard not to scratch. 
Back to Moura, it’s a mining town and we were saddened to read of the deaths recorded in the miner’s memorial. It was beautifully done but makes you realise how dangerous the mining industry can be. We were also impressed by the size of the machinery on display in the Rotary park. 

We travelled on a very undulating and bumpy road towards Rollerston, where we headed northwards after our morning cuppa. We enjoyed lunch at Fairbairn Dam before arriving at Emerald. We once again caught up with some domestic chores and had a look around the town.

This little train in the botanic gardens provided us with a bit of fun - then we went from childish activities to typical grey nomad lifestyle by listening to live music and eating our take away fish ‘n’chips at happy hour in the caravan park! 
After looking at maps again, along with weather forecasts, we decided to change plans again and veer north east towards the coast and Mackay!! Our first stop is here at Theresa Lake Dam, where we are attempting to catch a few red claw!! The net is in but no luck yet! They could be as elusive as barramundi and yabbies! 

So we’ll sign off here and maybe in the next blog, you’ll read about our red claw success! Can’t believe it is June tomorrow - happy birthday Jess. Till later, love from the hunters! ❌❌❌
PS we didn’t have enough coverage to post this so some news will be old. However the bad news is, despite Dennis’s best efforts, not one red claw made it way to our cooking  pot!! It’s pretty difficult when you don’t have the right net - however he had fun trying  and we enjoyed this lovely spot. 


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