Friday 3 June 2022

Towards Eungella National Park

Dennis may not have been able to catch a redclaw, but he could certainly charm the birds! His favourites are the rainbow lorikeets. 

We enjoyed seeing these very contented cattle - not at all frightened by vehicles. We stopped briefly in Clermont and saw the piano in the tree and the flood memorial. In 1916, a massive flood hit the area, wiping out the town,  killing more than 60 residents and leaving remnants up trees. A reminder of how brutal Mother Nature can be! 

The road along to Nebo, was again undulating and rough, so it was good to get set up and have a rest. Best of all, Tops and I were able to make use of the free washing facilities. Our trip towards Eungella was very picturesque, travelling over the mountain range into a lovely valley where sugar cane is prevalent. You really realise you’re in Queensland when you are in sugar cane country. Now we are set up in this beautiful spot with lots of entertainment from the chooks, cats, dogs and especially the puppies!
We loved the Finch Hatton gorge walk - a beautiful rainforest walk with spectacular waterfalls - all that was missing were  the elusive birds Darryl would love to photograph. 
Tomorrow we are looking forward to going up to the Eungella NP -although Tops isn’t keen on the windy road! I only hope we get to see a platypus - everyone tells us we will so fingers crossed we do! We’ve been on the road 6 weeks now and reflect on the many varied and beautiful places we’ve been to. How lucky we are! Hope all is well with our readers, love from Brays & Greenwoods ❌❌❌

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