Thursday 9 May 2019

King Ash Bay

Once we left Lorella Springs, we passed through Booraloola to this place we’ve heard about but had no mental picture of it at all. It’s great! And it’s very popular! Look at all the boat trailers!
Like Fort Courage, it’s run by the local fishing club and offers powered and unpowered camping, cabins, a well stocked bar where meals are available, a store which carries everything from bait to thongs and stubby holders to groceries, fuel, and of course access to reputably good fishing spots. Most people here are very serious about their fishing and have boats - I think it’s fairly ambitious to think a big barramundi could be caught off the bank. But it’s fun trying and a few unlucky catfish have been caught by our fishermen! Everyone is willing to offer advice and tips on how to catch the big one, but often the advice is contradictory which is confusing. 

The McArther river here is quite wide and it’s very pleasant camped on the banks. At the boat ramp, it looks very inviting for a swim with a lovely sandy beach ....... until you see the ‘beware of crocodiles’ sign and talk to locals who often see them cruising around! So unfortunately, no swimming here! 

We’re in a black spot for mobile phone coverage (we’ve been in many of these spots) but at the bar you can get some coverage. So it’s a good excuse to pop up for happy hour armed with our devices, to catch up on things - and for me to post a blog. The first night was a very happy night!
We’ve met some nice people and yesterday a van like Dennis’s arrived so we had to check that out - we see very few Lifestyle vans on our travels. 
Tomorrow we head off towards Queensland along the Savannah Way to Hells Gate. We’ve heard the road is a bit rough so it will be another slow trip. Our next destination is Lawn Hill National Park which is also supposedly a very beautiful area. 

We are unsure of where we’ll be for Tops’s birthday on the 11th but no doubt Dennis has a few surprises up his sleeve!! We send lots of love to all mothers for Mother’s Day - especially my mum who will soon be 101!
So, until the next blog, the travellers sign off and send our love and best wishes ❌❌❌

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