Monday, 27 May 2019

Ringers Rest

As we left Chillagoe, luckily Tops noticed their van tyre was flat and sure enough, there was a leak so another tyre was changed - they are getting to be experts at this. Seems somehow Dennis picked up a screw - an easy fix job this time.
Geologically speaking, Chillagoe is a treasure with the unusual rock formations, limestone caves, numerous mineral deposits plus marble quarries! We did wonder what these quarries with huge blocks sitting there were, and evidently, it’s marble, which is mined when a big order comes in, is then sent to Italy to be polished and sent back here as Italian marble!  I’d love a big block in my garden!

As we turned east, the weather deteriorated and we could see the mountains ahead shrouded in clouds!! Luckliy it’s not cold but the showers keep rolling in! We have also seen many of these wind turbines. 

We are set up this time in a very rustic setting a few kms out of Mareeba. It’s run by this chap who loves to talk and tell tales of his life as a ringer - we are learning to avoid him a little or he keeps talking for ages. There are some friendly cows and calves who come to the fence to eat any food scraps, there’s a big communal fire we can sit around for a yarn and cook our meals and it’s very laid back and relaxed - just our type of camp. 

Next to us last night were a young family with 3 small children, including a 6 month old baby - and today we have another family with a couple of kids - so it’s not only grey nomads on the road. This morning we were awoken by the noise of hot air balloons gliding over us - Mareeba is a great hot air balloon centre. 
We’ve had a look around Mareeba - they have a great Information Centre which also houses a historical museum of the immediate area. We spent some time looking around there and getting brochures about attractions and different regions on our trek south towards Brisbane. 
Today we did a few jobs in Mareeba - including repairing a tyre, then went out to see Lake Tinnaroo which is now full. It was a spectacular scene to see the water spray! 

We investigated some camping spots we saw when last in the area and then went to Atherton for a late lunch.  This area is so rich agriculturally with bananas, sugar cane, mangoes, paw paws, avocados, peanuts and fodder crops along with beautiful fat cattle. 
Dennis is on a mission to find a particular item for his collection so he’s off searching  but the chap he’s after is away at the minute. It was however, a productive drive as they drove into the site where the field days are being set up. 
We sort of have a brief itinerary now - we have 2 weeks to get to Brisbane then home about the 21st June. Dennis’s van needs some warranty jobs attended to at Lifestyle and it’s always lovely to catch up with Rob & Prue, Rick and Flo. 
We have yet to sit down with our maps and determine where we’d like to be next but we’re getting pretty good at finding just the right spot for us. It’s time to socialise around the camp fire so I’ll leave off,
Love from us all ❌❌❌❌❌

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