Tuesday 30 May 2017

Farewell Nullarbor

This time crossing the Nullarbor we actually saw three camels, a dingo, a wedge tailed eagle ...... and hundreds of crows!! The crows are really a problem as they get into rubbish bins and create a terrible mess!!  After our lovely night at Baxter we left WA and entered SA:
We were lucky to witness this beautiful cloud rainbow - it did signify some inclement  weather but we only had a shower or two at Nullarbor.
Last night at Nullarbor, we met up with Egg and Judy Lake (yes Kristian there is another Egg!!)  and Geoff and Liz Storm from Barham - small world isn't it?
The bar at Nullarbor was very busy and the caravan park very full - a few weeks ago hardly anyone was here. We also met up with some well known entertainers:

We left there and stopped at the Head of The Bight and probably were lucky to see a couple of whales but they weren't in close like we saw last time. The whole set up with boards walks and lookouts are very well done and it's a pity we didn't see heaps - that is the way it goes with whale watching! 
We stopped in Ceduna and bought some lovely whiting and oysters at the Thevenard fish outlet so look forward to some yummy meals ahead. We are now camped in a little town called Wirrulla where we have had a drink at the local pub and are now sitting around our lovely campfire.
From here we are going to leave the bitumen and head to St Ives station near Lake Gardiner so we are looking forward to our last bit of sightseeing before heading home. We send special birthday wishes to Jess on Thursday -     if we can't ring you we are thinking of you ❤️❤️. 
So until our best blog, love from the happy travellers.


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