Friday 26 May 2017

Goodbye Perth - hello Kalgoorlie.

We certainly made the most of our time in Perth and came away with a very good impression of everything. Our minds are still full of us on the bikes and driving today  I imagined whizzing down some of the hills!! You can see by our happy faces, how much we enjoyed the day.
On the way over in the ferry, it was interesting to see so many big ships waiting to come into Fremantle Port.
With a little regret, we turned around this morning and started heading east on the journey home. We took the scenic route - much to the dismay of the GPS lady - through Brookton, Corrigin, Bruce Rock and hit the highway at Meriden. Along the way Dennis had a little play with Tops's birthday present and our stores of wood are healthy again.
Corrigin was a lovely place for lunch and they seem to love dogs, having a dog cemetery out of town and a huge statue by the park.        
We are camped tonight in a free spot in a little place called Burracoppin - right by the highway so no doubt we'll get used to traffic noise - well hopefully!! Kalgoorlie is our next stop with washing on the agenda (Tops and I are having withdrawals as we haven't washed for a while!!) 
Morning tea today was at Karalee Rocks and it's just as impressive as it was last trip. How clever the early pioneers were. Water is collected on this giant granite outcrop and runs through this aqueduct to the dam. We wished we camped there last night as it's so peaceful - whereas where we were the trucks sounded like they were in our bedroom!! 

Now we are in Kalgoorlie and wow - we're in shorts again 😊
Washing has been done, we're all set up in a nice quiet park and after our cuppa, we'll start our exploration of this place. Happy birthday to you Dusty - hope Beth spoils you 🎂!
So from warm sunny Kalgoorlie I'll sign off - love to everyone ❌❌❌❌❌

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